Water-Rich Foods in Your Diet

Water, The Elixir of Life is the vital part of a healthy diet. Drinking a great deal of water may help with weight reduction – especially in case that water is derived from food. Current researches say that women who ate a diet rich in high-water-content foods had a lower BMI and smaller waistlines. Water rich foods will fill up your stomach therefore making you less likely to eat more than you should.

Water rich foods are high in mass and low in calories. They also help in weight reduction and slimming, they also manage to decrease the building blocks of blood sugar which reduces the need for insulin, the blood sugar hormone.

Human body is made up of 80% of water which helps to get rid of the sodium in the body and additionally helps in getting of wasted toxins in the body.

Chard: consisting of a 97% water when eaten boiled and full of iron, vitamins and minerals becomes a low-calorie food, but with significant health benefits.

Lettuce: Best for eating fresh in salads and to fill our plates of food that does not increase the calories in the diet, although it needs chewing andsupplies us with fiber, minerals and vitamins that not just work with our weight reduction, but also contributes to health.

Tomato contains 93% of water and ample antioxidant lycopene.

Melon: Includes 92% water and a powerful sweet flavor that can replace an unhealthy snack. It is a food packed with nutrients beneficial, with very few calories, no fat and collaborating with weight loss. Watermelon consists of more than 90% water.

Cucumbers were one of the first vegetables to be grown in the world. It consists of very little nutritional value but it is one of the favorite ingredients in our salads. Cucumbers are very cooling and refreshing. Throughout summer it reduces the thirst and heat.

Cucumber is a natural weak diuretic (boost urine out put). The water content in this vegetable is 96.3gm per 100 gms. It contains just 13 kcal per 100 gms. Because it is a very low calorie vegetable cucumber is a preferred vegetable in any low calorie diet. Cucumbers have many amount of folic acid (14.7g of folic acid per 100 gms). Like wise sodium content is very low. It contains just 10.2 mg sodium per 100 gms.

Cucumber can be eaten as raw or cooked. Raw cucumber is more well-liked. When you take cucumber remember to wash thoroughly before removing the skin. Cucumber juice and cold cucumber soup are most liked low calorie refreshing drink during summer.

Cucumbers are as well used in beauty industry as an ingredient in skin care products. Earlier, fresh sliced cucumbers were used for face and eyes packs. At present readymade face pack of cucumber is available in the market. The slices placed on the eyes are believed to have refreshing effect on the skin but up to now no scientific evidence for this.

Pumpkin does fall under a similar category of cucumbers of having low fat and low calories. It also has high water content of 92.6gm per 100 gm of edible portion. Pumpkin has great nutritional value compared to cucumbers. For many reason this vegetable is not that popular.

Pumpkin has got great amount of vitamin A. It is a good source of beta-carotene. 1,160ug of beta-carotene are present in 100 gm of pumpkin. This beta carotene in the body converts to vitamin A. This vegetable play an essential role in a vegetarian diet where animal products are not available to provide vitamin A. Beta carotene is an antioxidant to help prevent free radical damage that might lead to certain types of cancer. Pumpkin consists of significant amount of vitamin E. This vegetable rarely causes allergies and is easily digested. Pumpkin contains low levels of sodium and good amount of potassium makes suitable for hypertensive. They are also advisable for diabetes, cardiovascular and also as a weaning food. It is a poor source of vitamin C.

Pumpkin seeds are delicious and used for treatment for intestinal worms. These seeds must be taken in conjunction with a purgative such as castor oil for great antihelminthic action. They can additionally be used for prostrate and urinary problems.

Kovai scientifically knew as coccinia cordifolia. The other names of kovai are telakuchu in Bengali, konduri in Hindi, ghole gluru in Gujarathi, tondekayi in Kannada, kovakai in Malayalam and Tamil, tondale in Marathi, kunduru in Orriya, and dondakayi in Telungu. This vegetable also stands high in water content. It has 93.5gms of moisture in 100 gms of edible portion. It doesn’t contain lot of nutrient. It is very low in carbohydrates and calories, which are 3.1gm and 18kcal per 100 gms respectively. They’re good vegetables, which can be included for weight reducing diets due to the low calorie content. It contains 59ug of folic acid 40mg of calcium per 100gms.

Radish consists of sulfurous compounds, which may help to protect against few types of cancer. Radishes are low in calorie and fat makes it popular amongst the weight reducers. There are many varieties differing in their pungency, size, shape, and color. They’re pink, rat tailed, table and white. White radish contains fewer calories compared to the others. Pink and rat tailed contain great amount of calcium. Pink radish contains good amount of sodium and very low levels of potassium while white radish has low levels of sodium and high levels of potassium. White radish is more suitable for hypertensives and heart patients. White radish contains the most moisture in high percentage (94.4gms per 100 mg). White radishes are ideal for diabetic patients, which can be put in to their salads.

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